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What does a copywriter do?

Updated: Aug 19, 2019

Copywriters are a mixed bunch. We may slide into our offices each day with similar jobs to do. But because we come from different backgrounds and have experience within a range of industries, each copywriter brings a different story with them..

One thing we all have in common is our ability to write, edit and refine until we have created content that achieves its objective.

The myths about us continue to do the rounds: you know... the ones that suggest freelance copywriters sit around in their PJ’s all day, drinking out of huge coffee cups while banging on their keyboard (I can neither confirm nor deny this….!) What I can confirm, is that we're always working hard to ensure you get the ideal copy or content your business needs to thrive.

In the spirit of honesty, I’m sorry to report that I actually DON’T spend all day in my PJ’s (I wish). Despite the fact that I have to do the school run each morning and therefore need to look semi-respectable anyway, I actually like the routine of getting dressed in ‘work clothes’, and treating my freelance work just as I did when I commuted to work, by training myself to view the walk to my desk as my commute and guarding my work time fiercely.

What’s in a letter: copyright laws?

No, I cannot protect your inventions with copyright – there is an R where there should be a W.

Copywriting is not “copyright.” Copyright deals with the legal right to reproduce, publish, sell, or distribute someone’s work (such as books, music, artistic items) – it’s where you see the symbol ©.

Okay, so what does a copywriter actually do?

Writing copy

Think of the amount of content you consume in a typical day:

You read blog posts

You get emails

You read social media posts

You view a website

You read brochures

You get notifications or reminders if your credit card details to a subscription is expiring

You read product descriptions when shopping online or from a brochure

All those words that fill up your eyes in various forms of media... a copywriter can write them all.

How can a copywriter help your business?

Copywriters may have formal qualifications relevant to writing, or they might not. A lot of knowledge came after my Communications degree. In other words - I have learned a lot more from actually working as a copywriter than I did at University.

As a copywriter I don’t just write....... I do more, so much more!

I show you how to produce valuable content.

I steer you towards marketing strategies and channels that will bring more value to each piece of content we produce together.

I take your words and write them in a better way.

I can manage the way the copy actually gets uploaded or produced thus ensuring it is actually fit for purpose.

How does it all work?

Each copywriter will have slightly different ways of working and different terms & conditions. However, all good copywriters know that successful projects require processes and good collaboration.

I may write the words, but you as the client still have an integral part to play. I love it when clients give constructive and detailed feedback, because I like to fit all the pieces of the puzzle together to nail the brief. All my quotes include:

  • A detailed briefing session (this could be a combination of on-boarding questionnaires, Skype meetings or phone calls)

  • If applicable, SEO research – I like to write human-friendly copy… but the SEO gods must also be kept happy

  • If applicable, image suggestions and uploading service

I also offer x2 free rounds of edits to any piece of copy so that we can discuss the project together, and you can let me know if you want certain words or phrases tweaked. This is all part of the process and I welcome client feedback as it’s this collaborative approach that usually gets the best outcomes.

What if…..

What if you actually like to write? Surely then you don’t need a copywriter?

Maybe not. Maybe you would be better to invest in a proof-reader or editor. Guess what? Many copywriters also take on proof-reading and editing projects!

I love reading other people’s work and nit-picking for a typo or formatting irregularity. My proof-reading services are happily serving several clients every month.

With editing, this takes proof-reading and raises the bar considerably. Editing goes deeper into the structure of the blog/web copy/case study etc. This process mixes things up by moving sections, re-writing paragraphs and culling unnecessary words. It often still involves a proof-read by default.

And now?

Like many things in life, you can outsource many copy and content tasks and pay someone else to do it.

As copywriters, our skills stretch far beyond good writing. Good copywriters understand what the client is aiming to achieve; we know how to tweak tone of voice and structure to make the brand (product or service) more appealing to the reader. We run our own businesses so we also understand a lot more about your stresses and concerns than you might think.

By now I am hoping you are ready to ask for me for help with copywriting. Contact me on email with a brief outline of your project so I can see where or how I might be able to assist.


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