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Marketing tips for quiet times

If you are ever faced with a "quiet period" in your business, it can either feel scary or exciting!

On the one hand, a lull in work might worry you if profits are already tight, or you are not sure why it's gone quiet.

Meanwhile, on the other hand, these quiet times can prove the perfect opportunity to get on top of admin tasks. But the one thing we should all be doing in any quiet period, is looking at our marketing!

Plan, schedule, tick off lists!

If you want to spend a bit of time getting your business in shape for the coming months, then start with some basic marketing and really kick start business again.

1. Check all your email folders, tidy them up, action anything overdue

Sometimes things end up in spam, or your emails can get a little out of control. Any quiet period is the perfect time to tidy up your inbox so it's not so overwhelming - plus you'll create more space for all the new work enquires that are sure to come through once you complete this list of marketing jobs!

2. Book in a few networking events

When I am at capacity, it's really hard to get to all the fab events I see advertised. Quiet periods mean I can actually go along, meet new people and get out of the office. I often find networking events can really recharge my enthusiasm.

3. Check all your business listings

I have listings on Google My Business as well as on industry networks (The Clever Copywriting school, Virtually Yours, Wanneroo Business Association etc)

When I have some down time, I can check the listings, edit if they feel a little out of date, and make sure all the links work.

4. Schedule some social posts

Yes, even as someone who lives and breathes social media, I sometimes let my own social feeds slide as I concentrate on my clients!

I love having down time to think about what messaging I want out there in the coming weeks and months.

Then I create, write, and schedule a few posts so that when things do ramp up again, I am still communicating with my audience.

5. Get in touch with business contacts

You could use any quiet periods to email a few people you might have met recently at events, and see if they are free for a coffee catch up.

Ask how you can help them. You might find common ground, and be able to help each other.

At the very least, a quick "hello, it was nice to meet you" email is always well received if it comes from a place of genuine connection.

6. Create a special offer

You could put together a simple offer and then email past clients or dormant clients with a note to say they are eligible for this offer should they be needing your services or products right now (just make sure you abide by the Australian Spam Act).

7. Write a blog

You can write about anything! Don't be scared... blogs are actually a wonderful way to reach your audience.

You could write a "how to" blog, or a case study, or even a "day in the life of..." blog.

This blog then becomes valuable content to share on your socials (see point 4!) and you can also share it with your networks (see points 2 and 3).

If you are looking for help with writing blogs, you know where I am!

( psst.... just email me at )

8. Check all invoicing is up to date

Sometimes things can slip through, so use any quiet periods to make sure you don't have any outstanding invoices, and also to look at your current expenses etc and see if you can streamline anything.

9. Clean up the desktop on your computer!

We are all guilty of quickly saving things to our desktops rather than in their rightful place! Then before long, your desktop is just a big mess of random documents, kids photos, school letters, holiday snaps, and files that are helpfully named 19876b76y.doc. Like what the?!

Clean it all out, it feels good I promise!

10. Check your website, identify and edits or changes

Is the copy on your website a bit old now? Are some of the links out of date? Or maybe the images just don't reflect what you do now if your business has evolved.

Take some time to go through each page, check all the links and update where necessary, and then really think about whether the words, the images and the general tone of your website is still on point. If it is, then great, well done! But if there are parts that could do with a re-fresh then go ahead. After all, we do evolve and change, and so does our audience.

Bonus task...

Rather than writing lengthy business plans, I often simply write down a few business goals for the coming months or for the year/next year.

What other marketing tasks do you think are vital for those "quiet times"?

Get in touch with me at


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