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Day in the life of a VA

Updated: Sep 23, 2018

6.20am – Kids slept past their usual 5.45am wake up! Yay!

6.30am – Cup of tea in bed while the kids climb in and we all have a cuddle. I check emails on my phone. There is one with actual swear words in! But in a good way – it’s from a new client thanking me for the work I completed the day before, just in a very enthusiastic way!

7.30am - Today is a Tuesday so the youngest one goes to day-care. She insists on wearing her back-pack on her little shoulders, then she falls over about 76 times while trying to put her shoes on. My husband drops her off on the way to his work so I can focus on getting myself sorted and my 5-year-old ready for school.

8.30am – Walk my daughter to school and have a gazillion conversations on the way about flowers, or unicorns or why so-and-so did this-or-that. Once we get there, she finally takes a breath long enough to say hi to her friends. She used to hug me loads and say “stay Mummy”. But now she just says “yep, bye Mummy” and runs off with her friends. I feel proud of her settling in so well. – Back home, I reply to a few emails and tidy the house. I even chuck a load of washing on AND turn on the dishwasher. Wow today is going to be a good day.

10am – Head out to a networking morning tea, I always love meeting other business owners and I am getting more confident talking about my work. I chat to someone who might need assistance creating documents for their training courses so we exchange business cards and hopefully we’ll catch up soon.

12noon – Home for lunch. Crack on with a huge data entry job, followed by a first proof read of a newsletter for the same client.

2pm – Post some content on my business Facebook page. I also volunteer on the committee of a local playgroup, so I check the Facebook group, catch up on our group chat activity and confirm the date for our next meeting.

2.30pm – Pick daughter up from school. Ask about her day - sometimes she is chatty, other times she rolls her eyes and grunts a few sounds.

4pm – Play in the garden with my daughter. She goes off to find snails so I get started on dinner.

5pm – We go to pick up the little one from day-care and there are lots of hugs and giggles.

5.30pm – Daddy gets home from work, more cuddles. Then dinner.

7.30pm – Once the kids are in bed, I make another cup of tea (okay, pour a glass of wine) and finish proof reading the newsletter. I email it back to the client and draft the invoice ready to send at the end of the month. I also schedule some social media posts for a client for the coming month.

10pm – Finish watching my recorded shows on Foxtel, and then bed. Rock and Roll. Zzzzzzz

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