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5 super quick & easy SEO tips for your online content

Updated: Dec 15, 2020

Are you sure your website and blog are performing at their best? Have you optimised the copy for SEO?

No idea what I mean?! That's okay!

SEO website tips
SEO website tips

I am going to share 5 quick SEO tips which will help improve and optimise your website.

1. Focus keywords

If you do not have a focus keyword in your headlines, subheadlines, URL slugs, blog categories, page titles, and page content and meta tags, then you're missing out on valuable and super easy SEO optimisation.

You can use an online keyword tool such as Wordtracker, Keysearch, SEMrush, or MOZ to narrow down to your keywords - then you can rank them as the Main keyword and Secondary keywords.

If you'd rather outsource this part, I can recommend several wonderful SEO experts who can carry out this research for you for less than you might think.

Then you place these keywords in your headlines, subheadlines, URL slugs, blog categories, page titles, and page content and meta tags.

Don't "stuff" the keywords in. Please make sure they make sense within the copy, and are not shoved in 37 times!

2. Separate each page with optimised content

Did you know that you can write a unique title and description for each page of your website?

Elevate your website performance by ensuring all content is well formatted. Make sure each page has a H1, H2 and has the meta description as mentioned above.

Target a different keyword in each one and you're well on your way to enjoying a higher performing website.

Want to know how to publish your content in an easy to read format? You can read more tips in some of my other blogs here.

3. Meta description


This is the place to excite your audience, and explain what they can find on your website, because what you write here is displayed in the search results.

So take some time to draft 1-2 sentences that are super sharp and concise, and explain the content on your website - essentially what is it you are selling/doing/offering?

4. Image Alt tags

To improve your website SEO optimisation, make sure you are using keywords in your images.

Search engines are great at reading the copy on your site - but not your images.

Therefore you need to TELL the search engines what the images are.

And search engines look for “alt text”, a short written description of what the image actually is, and why it's relevant to this page of content.

Here is another great place to pop in a keyword or keyphrase. So don't just upload an image called IMG 4298!!!

Rename it something relevant to the content on the page: If your page is about the benefits of eating fruit etc, you might rename an image "Why apples are good for you" or if your blog is all about tips for tax time, then rename the image something like "Tips for managing your tax".

Alt text (alternative text) is not actually visible on your pages, it's purely there for the source/HTML code, also known as the alt attribute.

5. Authority-building links

Google likes links. Links that come from high-authority sites signal to Google your site is real, can be trusted.

When links from high-quality sites redirect to your website, Google interprets the link as a signal of your site’s credibility. And as you build a mix of good backlinks, your website will rank better in search results.

Bonus tip (website speed!)

I honestly tried to keep this blog as 5 tips because I wanted to keep it super simple and not overwhelm any reader who is completely new to SEO!

But I can't leave without mentioning website speed, because page load times are an important factor in how well your website performs. So be sure to remove unnecessary music files, plugins, flash graphics or large images.


I hope these tips are useful. And as always, please feel free to contact me if you'd like me to write fresh copy for your website or blog.

Blog writing packages are available, so simply contact me via the Contact form on this website or via direct email


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