If you already have a good grasp of social media then you're probably already doing most of these. This blog is aimed at those who really are a little lost on where to start, what to do first and how to get the page set up.
Here we go....
1. Invite your friends. To get started, invite your friends and family to follow your Facebook page. While they may not be your target audience (or maybe they are?) they may know someone who is in your target market, and they can share your posts or direct people to your page.
2. Put the link on your email signature. You can write something along the lines of “Connect with us on Facebook” and then embed the link, or you can simply add the link.
3. Put the link on all your marketing material, put it on your business cards, put it on every directory listing you have. Hey, you could even tattoo it on your forehead! No, don’t do that! But do the other things.
4. Ask people you meet at networking events to follow your page for a follow in return.
5. Join RELEVANT Facebook groups and contribute to the discussions in each group. Be generous and only self-promote when appropriate. Follow other people’s pages, most will follow you back.
6. Post good content. Use Canva or similar to create great quality images. Find great photos on Pexels, Unsplash or Kamboompics.
Share blogs. Post relevant links. Share tips or advice. Post your news.
7. Create a simple content calendar. How you set it up is your choice. Even a simple Word doc or spreadsheet is good enough. You might choose that one week you will post a quote, next week post a tip or fact, and the following week you post a link or share a blog and another week you share another resource/blog/event etc.
8. Update your About Us page. This is the place to get a little personal, and tell people a bit of background. Use this section to really connect with your readers.
9. Consider adding a list of services under the 'Services' tab, but try and limit it to less than 7 or 8 so it doesn’t get confusing.
10. Ask for reviews. You can ask current or past clients to leave a review on your Facebook page.
11. Update your Cover photo. Remember that all cover images are public so anyone can see it. This is a great marketing tool. You can add text or images in any way you like, just make it professional and of good quality. Consider changing it every 3-6 months or so.
12. Check your profile image/logo is correct and of good quality.
13. Add a Send Message button. This way people can message you if they don’t have your email. If you are going to have this, please ensure you check/reply to any messages in timely way.
14. Reply to people who leave comments. They have taken the time to comment and it’s great to get this engagement. Even if you get negative comments (hopefully not often!) reply in a professional way and then take it off line (encourage them to private message you or email you if the issue still needs resolving).
15. Re-purpose content at a later date. Use a scheduling tool and re-post blog links a few months later or re-post an image. Just make sure it’s still relevant.
16. Check your setting every 3-6 months. Things change. You change, your business changes and Facebook changes. So regularly go into each tab and check everything is how you want it.
17. Utilise the Facebook analytics to check best times to post, which content gets the most engagement. This helps you plan future content and can also form the basis of any paid ads you may choose to do.
18. Consider outsourcing some or all of your social media. Even if you don’t have a huge marketing budget and can’t outsource it all, just outsourcing part of your social media strategy, such as image creation or content writing, might just free you up to do other things. And your social media presence will be getting the ‘expert touch’.
Get in touch via the Contact Us button on our website, email me at rachel@sbcreations.com.au or connect on our Facebook page